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May 03, 2021

Artist Lottie Hampson
Lottie Hampson (b. 1993, London) is an artist currently based between Mallorca and the UK who works with photography, drawing, food and ceramics. Often her starting point, analogue photography helps her to slow down, and the images she makes are often a quiet meditation on her surroundings; slowly building a sense of place through observations of light and landscapes, interiors and objects, and fragments of the people that inhabit these places.
Most recently, finding herself craving simplicity, she has focused on the small joys of daily rituals, which are mainly based around the kitchen table! Her oil pastels celebrate the joy of simple breakfast scenes.
Having come across Lottie's work online, we were curious to learn more about how her creative journey and process. We also feel lucky to have collaborated with her on several post cards (we send them out with our online orders) featuring  her paintings — a few of which you can see in this journal post :)


Outdoor breakfast scene in Mallorca. Photo by Lottie Hampson.


You’ve been living in Mallorca! Is this a temporary move or long-term? What prompted the move and what drew you to Mallorca?

Yes! I’m so lucky to be here at this time. Due to Covid it’s very hard to make any long-term plans at the moment, so I am taking it day by day and keeping an open mind in regards to my future, and where that might be. This time last year I spent a lot of time daydreaming about living on Mallorca- it seemed lots of exciting things were starting here, and obviously, it’s incredibly beautiful. 

Alongside my art practice I have worked helping to coordinate artist residencies, so when my friend Claudia- who lives on the island and recently set up the residency space and guest house Casa Balandra- asked me to manage the residency program, as well as being among one of the first artists-in-residence, I jumped at the opportunity of course! When travel starts to open up a bit more, I intend to spend time between here and my home in the UK, which I also love very much. But I do like island life… I think it suits me well. 


Painting of a cortado on blue background by Lottie Hampson for Canyon Coffee
Coffee pot illustrations on kraft paper by Lottie Hampson.

Did you always know you wanted to be an artist? Was there a moment that it became clear?

Growing up with creative parents, and my grandmother who was an art teacher, creativity was always part of my life. Growing up I made and wrote books, baked cakes, sewed tiny clothes for toy animals, attended my grandmother’s art classes… that all sounds very idyllic doesn’t it! Also, growing up in London I had incredible access to exhibitions and shows, so inspiration was easy to find, and I think that has benefitted me hugely. I think all of these things have shaped me to be in the place I am today. It makes me feel very privileged and lucky to see that written down actually. 


Film photograph of a blue and white espresso cup in a beautiful sunlit kitchen. Photo by Lottie Hampson.


Close up photo of a blue and white ceramic espresso cup on a kitchen counter in Mallorca. Photo by Lottie Hampson.


We really like your comprehensive approach to creating. For example, you’re not just shooting the world you see around you — you’re baking or cooking, photographing (and enjoying, we presume!) the results and the moment / space around them, and painting them as well! What is the process like, from your end?

I’m a very indecisive person, so that probably informs my process a lot! I can never decide what I want to do, and I’m excited about lots of things, hence the constant change of direction. 

I’ve moved from painting, to studying set design for theatre, to photography, to ceramics, and back to drawing most recently. 

Because I like to shoot my photos on film, I struggled to keep a creative process going when lockdown started last year - being unable to develop and see my photos, I started drawing table settings with oil pastels. Often the best part of the day was either sitting down for a coffee or taking a loaf of bread out of the oven, so it was as simple as putting that onto paper, and they seemed to get a good response. Since then I have continued to work in this way, with a particular emphasis on breakfast scenes, because in my opinion that is the very best time of the day. 

I still don’t feel that I’ve found my process- maybe if I stayed in one place for a long enough time I would find a studio and a routine, but for the time being I am enjoying experimenting and combining all my interests together. 

Six paintings of coffee pots, kettles and mugs by Lottie Hampson for Canyon Coffee


Film photo of an old moka pot, a snail shell and a pear by Lottie Hampson


Who are some artists who have been inspiring you lately? What about those who have had a larger, foundational influence (if any)? 

Because I have worked and lived at artist residencies in recent years- I spent two seasons at Villa Lena in Tuscany, and now we're working with our third group of artists-in-residence at Casa Balandra- I am constantly meeting and engaging with creative people with different art practices. I’m inspired by all of them! Spending intimate time with them and understanding their process gives me a renewed sense of wonder and excitement about art.

I do still get goosebumps when I look at the photography of Francesca Woodman… and more and more I think I’m harking back to the paintings made by my grandma. 


Black and white film photo of flowers in a white vase by Lottie Hampson.


What are you excited about or feeling drawn to creatively or in life (or are these inseparable!)?

I think you’re right in saying that they’re inseparable. I’d like to eventually find somewhere to settle for a longer period of time- be it Mallorca or the UK-  I think I’m starting to crave some sort of routine. Maybe find a studio space, preferably somewhere by the sea. I’d like to be able to start each day off with a swim… Cornwall (on the west coast of England) often comes to mind. I fantasise a lot about starting a bakery where breakfast is the star of the show. Maybe there’ll also be an aperitivo hour. I’m excited about what’s to come- even though I’m not sure what it looks like right now. 


A painting on a leather circle hanging in a window. The painting is of a breakfast scene, featuring a hard-boiled egg, silver coffee kettle pot, and an espresso cup. Beneath the painting are an artists painting materials. Photo by Lottie Hampson in Mallorca.


Self portrait of Lottie Hampson in a room with her art hanging on the walls. Mallorca.
Painting of a stovetop espresso maker with oranges and two espresso glasses. Painting by Lottie Hampson.

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