Canyon tastes great for about three months and is still good for another three after that. It’s safe to consume after that, but a lot of the best flavors will have been lost.
Canyon tastes great for about three months and is still good for another three after that. It’s safe to consume after that, but a lot of the best flavors will have been lost.
Nothing bums us out as much as knowing our coffee or home goods arrived to you damaged. Please take photos of the box and what we shipped to you as they arrived, demonstrating the damage. Email these images to, and we can work to get a refund or replacement order processed.
Our intent is to make sure you are happy and satisfied with your purchase with us. If your coffee or home goods were damaged or destroyed, we will work to get it resolved ASAP!
Occasionally we have a supply chain delay with our green (or unroasted) coffee. As we import coffee from around the world sometimes things get held up in customs, shipping, or other parts of the import process! Feel free to reach out to us for a specific ship date or more information.
Any and all of our coffees work on espresso! They're all roasted with ample development time to be soluble and easy to extract — it's just about what kind of flavors you like! For a more classic, Italian-style espresso (more chocolatey/nutty), go with The Alentejo. Our most popular option for espresso is Beachwood. It's more caramelized. If you like something with more fruit notes, try out our Gedeb.
For extracting on the Breville, go for a double shot that takes between 25-30 seconds to put out between 35-40ml (or grams) of espresso. If it's going much faster than that, make your grind finer. If it's taking longer than that, coarsen the grind.
Our high quality standards and organic certification actually make it impossible for coffees with mold to even reach our cupping tables or facilities. A coffee with mold will never come close to passing through our doors, because our import partners and producers all have as-high quality standards as we do. It wouldn’t be possible for any of us to have organic certification, were this not so.
The way mold can occur in coffees is due to poor storage conditions, most often involving a combination of poor processing, humid or moist climates, and sitting in storage for long periods of time.
Our coffees never spend much time in storage. Upon harvest and processing, they’re shipped to us in the US. They’re shipped in “Grainpro” bags, the patented bags designed to disable any moisture from entering. Once they arrive to us, all the coffee is roasted typically within 6 months. As a Certified Organic facility, our roasting center is impeccably clean and follows USDA guidelines to prevent contamination even with non-organic coffees.
Our close relationships and understanding of the producers we work with, as well as the import companies we partner with to bring the coffee to the States, also contribute to transparency, and a commitment through our entire supply chain to quality that negates the possibility of mold. Our organic certification means we have lot traceability, meaning any single bag can be traced from your kitchen all the way back to the farm where the cherries were harvested.
Even in the unlikely event that a coffee with mold somehow made its way to us, our regular quality standards (like mandatory arrival sample and production-batch cupping) would instantly catch it and it would be removed from our facility.
Thin and sour by and large = under-extraction. One first thing to check is your water temperature — water that's not hot enough will result in a more sour cup. If you use a programmable electric kettle, I'd keep it set at 203°F. If you use the stove, I'd just be sure to start brewing a little closer off boil (like 1 minute, max).
The next step is grinding a little finer, and another step would be to do a little less water-to-coffee. We do recommend a 16-to-1 water-to-coffee ratio.
I'm hoping you'll get it tasting creamy, round and smooth! Let us know how it goes.
Email us at or chat with us M-F 9am-5pm PST using the chat button in the bottom right corner of our site.