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Esteban del Rio is a teacher; a storyteller, avid reader, and bicycle camper. A third generation San Diego native, he’s a professor of communications and cultural studies at USD. He’s also a husband and father of two kids. 

We first learned about Esteban through our friend and oft-collaborator Justin Chung, for whom Esteban was a professor and advisor in college. But clearly Esteban had an impact, as Justin brings him up regularly in conversation, and included him in the second volume of Faculty Department, his exploration into the lives and homes of creative folks (which we were also honored to be included in!). We had been excited to connect with Esteban and learn more about him, and we finally scheduled a day to visit him at his home. 

We really enjoyed our visit and conversation with Esteban, and have been excited to share it with you. We hope you enjoy!

Esteban, could we get a little intro to your life and how you came to be where you are today?

So growing up, you didn’t see yourself becoming a professor?

What drew you to teaching?

That kind of thing really shuts down curiosity… 

Let’s talk about your home… but first… do you have morning ritual?

What do you love about your home?

Last question, two parts: you’re coming up on 50. Did you see yourself doing anything different in life, and what are you excited about next?

Any thoughts about what you might want to get into?
