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Raina, how do you like to start each day? Do you have a ritual? And has it changed over time?

Your treehouse studio and gallery is such a dreamy space. It seems like your whole home and property is a little ecosystem of different spaces dedicated to different purposes. Is that kind of distinction or separation intentional?

As a writer and ceramicist, it seems you’ve developed a nice balance of the meta and the tangible. What does it look like, in practice, to engage in these different kinds of work on a daily or weekly basis? Do they ever intersect?

It seems like your interest in ceramics has an anthropological undertone, exploring different glazing and firing techniques. And yet, your pieces are so innovative, even strange (in the best sense of the word) — they couldn’t be described as traditional. What sustains your interest in ceramics as your practice has evolved?

What drew you to ceramics in the first place?

We love how you integrate ideas of landscape into your creations. Do you have a process for developing these ideas?

Did you always imagine a creative or entrepreneurial life for yourself?

What do you love about video games, and how that world has evolved? Also, what is 1-up culture?
