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October 06, 2020

We first encountered Diaspora Co when we found their turmeric at Queens, a small market in San Francisco. We quickly fell in love with the company and their products, and we especially enjoyed how founder and owner Sana Javeri Kadri incorporates her ingredients into coffee! 

We asked Sana to share a recipe, and we're happy to share her how to making for cardamom coffee—or cardi coffee—today!



Sana Javeri Kadri, founder/owner of Diaspora Co, drinking Canyon Coffee and cardadmom


The root of this recipe comes from traditional Middle Eastern and Arab coffee culture that has existed for hundreds of years: adding warming spices like cardamom and saffron to roasted coffee and sharing it generously in a show of warm hospitality.

My own paternal ancestors migrated from Saudi Arabia and Herat, Afghanistan (right on the Iranian border), and wound up in what is modern day Ahmedabad, India. They became part of a small group of Gujarati Muslims whose food culture drew from their new home, but also remained deeply rooted in Islamic food traditions from Persia and the Arab Peninsula.

Today, as a mixed up Gujarati mutt born and raised in Mumbai, and currently living as a spice sourceress in California, this coffee is a tribute to my ancestors journeys—and my own, I suppose. 

Sana Javeri Kadri making a pour over coffee in her home in Oakland


This recipe is so easy that I wouldn't quite call it a recipe. 

Add 1-2 Baraka Cardamom pods to your coffee grinder with your morning coffee dose, and grind the whole pod with the coffee beans. 

The pod grinding method actually works best with a blade grinder. If you're using a burr or manual grinder, smash the pod with the back of a knife, discard the outer green shell, and add just the seeds to the grinder. 

You can use your finished cardamom and coffee grounds in cold brew, with a pour over, or french press. Cardamom coffee doesn't discriminate! Cold brew will highlight the light fruitier notes of the cardamom and the coffee beans, whereas pour overs really bring out the lush, warm notes. 

I really like my cardi coffee with lots of ice, a splash of heavy cream or full fat oat milk, and a drizzle of maple, date or palm syrup.

- Sana Javeri Kadri


Canyon Coffee being poured into a blade grinder
Diaspora Co cardamom pods being added to a blade grinder with Canyon Coffee beans
Canyon Coffee beans and Diaspora Co cardamom pods in a blade grinder in the home of Sana Javeri Kadri
Sana Javeri Kadri in her home in Oakland, CA. Photo by Simrah Farrukh.
Ground Canyon Coffee and cardamom in a blade grinder
Sana Javeri Kadri, founder of Diaspora Co, making a cardi coffee pour over with Canyon Coffee
Cardamom coffee iced coffee with Canyon Coffee, by Diaspora Co
Sana Javeri Kadri enjoying an iced cardi coffee with Diaspora Co cardamom and Canyon Coffee. Photo by Simrah Farrukh
Portrait of Sana Javeri Kadri, founder of Diaspora Co. Photo by Simrah Farrukh, taken in Oakland, 2020.


photos by Simrah Farrukh


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